Wednesday, February 24, 2010


...if he wants to kiss my bottom Ill drag open my drawers and bulge it right out in his face as large as life he can stick his tongue 7 miles up my hole as hes there my brown part then Ill tell him I want #1 or perhaps 30/- Ill tell him I want to buy underclothes then if he gives me that well he wont be too bad I dont want to soak it all out of him like other women do I could often have written out a fine cheque for myself and write his name on it for a couple of pounds a few times he forgot to lock it up besides he wont spend it Ill let him do it off on me behind provided he doesnt smear all my good drawers O I suppose that cant be helped Ill do the indifferent I or 2 questions Ill know by the answers when hes like that he cant keep a thing back I know every turn in him Ill tighten my bottom well and let out a few smutty words smellrump or lick my shit or the first mad thing comes into my head then Ill suggest about yes O wait now sonny my turn is coming Ill be quite gay and friendly over it O but I was forgetting this bloody pest of a thing pfooh you wouldn't know which to laugh or cry were such a mixture of plum and apple no Ill have to wear the old things so much the better itll be more pointed hell never know whether he did it nor not there thats good enough for you any old thing at all then Ill wipe him off me just like a business his omission then Ill go out Ill have him eyeing up at the ceiling...

-James Joyce. Ulysses: Penelope

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stuart Little Lot Annoying

I love E.B. White and was so looking forward to a sweet little book but "Stuart Little" did not make me love him and he has the height advantage. By the end of the book, Stuart is an uptight anal control freak obsessively changing his shirts and lashing out at people when he can't get his way. Where is a glue trap when you need one?

There were moments of lovely and when I read this paragraph I wanted to go back a century to visit this grass is always greener country town.

"IN THE loveliest town of all, where the houses were white and high and the elm trees were green and higher than the houses, where the front yards were wide and pleasant and the back yards were bushy and worth finding out about, where the streets sloped down to the stream and the stream flowed quietly under the bridge, where the lawns ended in orchards and the orchards ended in fields and the fields ended in pastures and the pastures climbed the hill and disappeared over the top toward the wonderful wide sky, in this loveliest of all towns Stuart stopped to a drink of sarsaparilla."

-E.B. White. Stuart Little

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


1. Write a book
2. Get in shape (other than flabby blob)
3. Worry less
4. Have patience
5. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
6. Go to sleep earlier and without ambien
7. Read more
8. Finish a project before starting a new project
9. Catch up with friends either in person or on the phone
10. Learn more about the world without losing sight of #3, #4, & #6